What are the Global Goals?
The UN's Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030, are a universal call to action to fight poverty and inequality, to protect the planet and to tackle climate change by 2030. To achieve the goals, we all must do our part: governments, the private sector, the public sector, civil society and every individual. The Sustainable Development Goals are indivisible; they go hand in hand, and interact with each other. At Scapa, we have chosen 6 goals as our focus where we believe we can make the biggest difference while contributing to the achievement of many of the others.
On 25 September 2015, all UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda. The agenda contains 17 global goals to be achieved by 2030. The global goals have 169 sub-goals and more than 230 global indicators on how the work will be implemented and monitored. The Global Goals and the 2030 Agenda are the most ambitious agreement on sustainable development ever adopted by world leaders. The concept of sustainable development integrates the three dimensions of sustainability: the social, the economic and the environmental dimension.
The Global Goals are the commitment of world leaders to achieving four great accomplishments by 2030:
- To eradicate extreme poverty
- To reduce inequality and injustice in the world
- To promote peace and justice
- To solve the climate crisis
We are the first generation that can eradicate poverty, and the last one that has the possibility to fight climate change - and the Global Goals are our shared blueprint for creating a better, more sustainable world for all!

We have the choice!
The UN Global Goals are our shared blueprint for creating a sustainable world for all!
At Scapa, we have made up our minds: sustainability is in everything we do. We have decided to focus on the 6 goals where we can make the biggest difference. We have measured our carbon footprint and through science-based targets, we have defined measurable reduction targets that we want to meet.

Targets 3.4 and 3.9
At Scapa, we promote and protect the physical and mental health of our employees and take measures for the prevention of occupational diseases. We offer the possibility for health checks, help with mental health and help in case of substance abuse. Our employees are offered preventive activities such as training, rehabilitation and coaching.
Scapa sponsors a variety of sporting activities for children and young people to promote good health and well-being. The clubs we sponsor run programmes that work on inclusion, on breaking toxic masculinity norms and on promoting para-sport.
Through our work with The Nordic Swan Ecolabel and Oeko-tex, we contribute to minimising the amount of harmful chemicals in the ground, in water, and in the air we breathe.
Targets 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
All Scapa facilities are powered by 100% fossil-free electricity. The facility in Sweden runs on 100% fossil-free district heating. The facilities in Lithuania will be connected to fossil-free district heating in 2022.
By 2025, all facilities will run on 100% fossil free energy.
We are investigating the possibility of solar panels on all facilities and plan to invest in new solar panels every other year.
Scapas fleet vehicles are running on at least 50% renewable fuel since 2021 and new cars will preferably be electric.
By 2025, at least 25% of the fuel used for transport from Scapa to customers should be renewable fuel.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a means to help us reduce the overall energy consumption and the use of fossil fuels. It helps us promote locally produced energy in products and services. In production systems with high energy consumption, The Nordic Swan Ecolabel ensures energy efficiency in both production and end-use stages.

Targets 8.2, 8.5, 8.7 and 8.8
Scapa complies with national legislation on labour rights and works proactively to promote safe and secure working environments for all employees, including migrant workers.
Scapa complies with national legislation and promotes decent work for all women and men, including young people and people with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.
Scapa supports the UN Global Compact and only works with stakeholders who support Scapa's Code of Conduct.
Targets 9.2, 9.4 and 9.5
Sustainability is our top priority for all improvements, changes and investments in our production and facilities. We will continuously look for ways to become more resource efficient and use more environmentally friendly technologies and processes.
Through collaborations and partnerships with suppliers and universities in Sweden, we help foster innovation. At Scapa we are courageous, we try new solutions and think outside the box.
Targets 12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6 and 12.8
Scapa strives to reduce the environmental impact of production and consumption. This ensures sustainable production and control over the value chain - and provides the end user with sustainable products. A large part of this work is carried out by certifying our products with The Nordic Swan Ecolabel.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel requires sustainable use of natural resources, increased use of renewable resources and efficient use of raw materials, energy and water in the manufacturing processes. The stringent chemical requirements ensure that chemicals at all stages of the product life cycle are managed in a way that has the least impact on the environment, making The Nordic Swan Ecolabel a strong instrument for phasing out substances that are hazardous to health and the environment when contained in products and manufacturing. This helps prevent both users and factory workers from being exposed to harmful chemicals - and to reduce
pollution of air, water and land.
By 2025, at least 50% of Scapa products will meet the requirements of The Nordic Swan Ecolabel. 100% of the wood used in our products will be FSC-labelled, and 75% of our fabrics will meet Oeko-Tex Standard 100 product class I.
By 2023, all newly developed products will have a lower carbon footprint than the previous, similar products.
Scapa will explore and develop circular business models with partners, customers, and suppliers.
At Scapa, we are working to reduce waste by developing new packaging solutions in renewable materials and through reduced volume.
Scapa plans to start a sustainability reporting from 2023 for the financial year 2022.

Target 13.3
Scapa takes action against climate change by committing to our Science Based Targets in Scope 1, 2 and 3. To meet the targets we need close cooperation with suppliers and customers. This is how we spread knowledge about the climate issue. We know: together we can go further!
Want to get some inspiration from others?
At Scapa, we want to inspire you to make sustainable choices in your life and your everyday life, both as an individual and as a business. Here you can find more inspiration from other people, companies and organisations. Let's create a sustainable future for ALL! - The Dream Company
Click on the circle to get inspired.